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Help Me Choose an Appropriate Topic for My Argumentative Essay

The best way to produce a high-quality essay is to find a good topic. If the topic is interesting, it will be easier for the student to write about. Professors grade hundreds of papers every week. With so many similar papers crossing their desk, professors grow tired of seeing the same topics. To get a better grade, students should catch the teacher's eye with a completely original and unique topic.

It Must Be Possible to Research It

Choosing to write a paper on the life cycle of the fruit fly could be a difficult proposition. Students need more than just one source for their paper. Highly specific, technical topics could be impossible to research. Before settling on a topic idea, students should make sure that there are documents available for research. Likewise, they will want to narrow down the topic so that it is not too general. A fairly specific topic is easier to research and write about—as long as there are research options available.

Follow the Prompt

As students begin the writing process, they may become distracted by a good idea. Unfortunately, the best topics are not always the ones assigned by the teacher. Students should read through the writing prompt carefully to make sure that their topic is acceptable. If it is out of the purview of the prompt, students will have to pick another topic.

Topic Ideas

To help students get started, here are some topic ideas that may help. These exact ideas can be used, or students may want to use them as a starting point for a brainstorming session.

  1. 1. Should gay marriage be legalized throughout the country?
  2. 2. Do beauty pageants exploit young girls? Do these pageants teach them a bad self-image?
  3. 3. Should military recruiters be allowed to visit high schools?
  4. 4. Should gambling be legalized throughout the United States?
  5. 5. Should the United States officially adopt English as the national language?
  6. 6. Is age a factor in building a strong relationship?
  7. 7. Should Nascar be required to use biofuel?
  8. 8. Are there benefits to attending an all-girls or all-boys school?
  9. 9. At what age should teenagers be allowed to make their own decisions?
  10. 10. When is the right age to begin dating?
  11. 11. Should the drinking age be lowered?
  12. 12. Is competition a good thing?
  13. 13. Should everyone be required to serve in the military for several years after high school?
  14. 14. Does boredom inevitability lead to trouble?
  15. 15. Should the voting age be lowered to 13 years old?