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Leadership Style

Leadership style varies depending on the individual or group initiating the action. This involves leading a group or an individual into a direction they feel is best for the follower. Experts feel there are multiple styles of leadership and they play different roles in how people develop personal characteristics. No matter the fact that there are different ways leadership is practiced, it is obvious the concept is a significant issue. A good leader carries a high level of influence on a person or group. This means the outcome of success and effectiveness can be pertinent to the well-being of the follower’s life.

Leadership style is a way a group or person organizes their actions to persuade others. They may encourage people to live their lives a certain way, make specific decisions and overall, be a leader by example. Paying attention to different styles is important. It shows further understanding of how organized groups are being led in their society. It shows what people will do when they have opportunities to do things on their own without supervision or further guidance. It reflects attitudes and beliefs of the leader while showing faithfulness to values and philosophy learned.

Leadership is a significant on many levels because it is practiced regularly in different environments. Parents are leaders of their children in the household. Teachers are leaders in the classroom. Experienced individuals help pave the way for beginners learning something new. Leadership style is defined by how one exercises their power and how they help and look out for others. The style may vary from tasks conducted and how they are seen as a boss or head of a group. A good leader helps people feel empowered while working their way to the top. They are often seen as someone with higher authority or having achieved a higher status above the others.

Leadership style defines direction in how someone will achieve their vision. Some feel they will do things their way or they won’t do it at all. Others feel they want to create a path for people to follow with the help of their followers. Leaders can set the tone for the situation by displaying or demonstrating actions and behaviors for followers to model. Some have shady ways of being a leader and use persuasion or charisma to get what they want. It may be difficult defining the best style overall, but it should be something that will benefit followers in a positive manner.