Free professional paper writing assistance from expert writers
How To Get An Expert To Revise My Essay Online For Free?
Unless someone you know is in expert writer, it is really difficult to ask him or her to review and revise your essay for no fees. However, sometimes circumstances are such that it becomes necessary to accomplish just that: get an expert (who is not your mom!) to do something for free that they normally charge for. Difficult circumstances call for innovative solutions. Here are some highly creative ideas to get an expert to revise your essay online for free:
- 1. The Truth: People lie to get what they desire. Change the dynamic. Tell the complete truth about your situation to a professional you have located online. For this to work well, there are two conditions: 1) you have circumstances that are actually pressing, 2) the writer can afford to and is inclined to help.
- 2. Find a beginner Writers who are just starting out need a portfolio. You can find easily find beginners online who will either do the work for free, or charge next to nothing for their services. A barter trade can also be worked out if you can promise to refer friends to your writer.
- 3.Visit a content mill: Platforms where freelance writers sell their services are efficient machines of exploitation. This obviously works in your favor. Writers from third world countries agree (and are desperate) to working for slave wages. Imagine spending 1 to 2 dollars to get your essay reviewed and revised by a professional writer! Yeah, it can be done.
- 4. Trade your work: Do you have a skill related to writing that you can offer? Proofreading perhaps? You can try asking a professional writer if they would revise your essay in exchange for proofreading work. Trading a skill will make the exchange even and fair. Since you are the one who needs the service more, the rules of the market dictate that you will end up paying more than the revision is worth. So, be prepared.
- 5. Use online software: Yes, you will have to locate free software that can help with re-writing, editing, and proofreading your essay. The hunt is worth it because you can use the resource as many times as needed.
Always remember that in the free market system people’s moralities and behaviors are likely to be transactional. The way the economic system works determines the rest of our lives. Do not be disappointed if you do not find too much help along the way, you can always pay a little and get the essay polished by a professional writing service.