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Finding Catchy Argumentative Essay Topics in Sports

Essay writing for students

Writing an essay is an interesting task for students who have a passion for writing. Some students may find it hard to write an essay because they have not done it before or because they are not aware with a certain structure. If you are having problems in writing an essay then you need to realize that you lack in this skill. Even if you think you are good at writing an essay, there is always some room for improvement. You should practice essay writing in free time so that you get better at it. Practice is a technique that never gets old. You need to do it more often.

What is an argumentative essay?

Essays are of different types and formats depending upon their content. If you are supposed to show similarities and differences between two things then you will write a compare and contrast essay. If you are supposed to write the admission essay for your desired college than you will most probably write a narrative essay. Argumentative essays are used when you have to convince your reader to your ideas through facts and logic. You also need to have strong evidence to support your stance.

Choosing a sports related topic for your essay

If you are to write a sports essay that is argumentative then you should look at the following topics to get an idea

Catchy topics for sports essays

  1. Do famous sport celebrities earn all the cash that comes from matches or does it go to the elite owners and sponsors?
  2. The sexual advertising through sports and use of cheerleaders in football and basketball matches
  3. Does the crowd in sport matches fit the definition of decent?
  4. Wrestlers, boxers, cricketers, and football players exploit performance enhancing drugs and sedatives
  5. Are educational institutes and high schools exploiting the athletic spirit of the students?
  6. Having a physical activity keeps you healthier for a long-term
  7. Match fixing and spot fixing are a great career even higher than the sport itself
  8. What penalties should players face who are involved in fixtures?
  9. Sports gambling and its legalization in different states
  10. Sportsmen retire to join the same field as commentators and referees, is it fair with other people applying for the same job
  11. Why teams hire international coaches for their players, is language an issue for coaching players from different backgrounds?